

英検3級 頻出慣用句一覧

1. このレッスンの目的


2. 頻出の慣用句一覧

look forward to ~(~を楽しみにする)

例: I look forward to seeing you.

take care of ~(~の世話をする)

例: She takes care of her little brother.

be interested in ~(~に興味がある)

例: He is interested in music.

be good at ~(~が得意である)

例: She is good at playing the piano.

have a good time(楽しい時間を過ごす)

例: We had a good time at the party.

be famous for ~(~で有名である)

例: This city is famous for its beautiful temples.

make friends with ~(~と友達になる)

例: I made friends with many people in my new school.

be full of ~(~でいっぱいである)

例: The basket is full of apples.

as soon as ~(~するとすぐに)

例: I called him as soon as I arrived home.

feel like ~ing(~したい気分である)

例: I feel like eating ice cream.

be able to ~(~することができる)

例: She is able to swim very well.

by oneself(ひとりで)

例: He traveled to Japan by himself.

on time(時間通りに)

例: The train arrived on time.

as usual(いつも通り)

例: She was late as usual.

3. まとめ

  • 英検3級の長文やリスニングでよく使われる慣用句を覚える
  • 「be good at」「be interested in」などの構造を理解する
  • 例文を読んで、使い方をしっかりマスターする



