Lesson 7: 食べ物・レストラン・買い物に関する単語
1. このレッスンの目的
2. 前回の復習:食べ物と季節の関係
基本文: I eat sushi.(私は寿司を食べる。)
季節を追加: I eat sushi in winter.(私は冬に寿司を食べる。)
詳細を追加: I eat sushi with my family in winter.(私は冬に家族と寿司を食べる。)
3. 食べ物・レストラン・買い物に関する単語
- rice – ご飯 → I eat rice every day.
- bread – パン → I like toast for breakfast.
- noodles – 麺 → I had ramen for lunch.
- meat – 肉 → I like grilled meat.
- fish – 魚 → Sushi is made of fish.
- vegetables – 野菜 → Eating vegetables is healthy.
- fruit – 果物 → Apples are my favorite fruit.
- dessert – デザート → Ice cream is my favorite dessert.
- spicy – 辛い → I don’t like spicy food.
- sweet – 甘い → This cake is very sweet.
- menu – メニュー → Can I see the menu, please?
- order – 注文 → I want to order a hamburger.
- waiter – ウェイター → The waiter brought our drinks.
- bill (check) – お会計 → Could I have the bill, please?
- reservation – 予約 → I made a reservation at a restaurant.
- dish – 料理 → This is my favorite dish.
- delicious – 美味しい → This pizza is delicious.
- service – サービス → The service was very good.
- tip – チップ → In Japan, you don’t need to give a tip.
- shop/store – 店 → I went to a clothing shop.
- supermarket – スーパー → I buy groceries at the supermarket.
- cashier – レジ → The cashier gave me change.
- price – 値段 → What is the price of this bag?
- sale – セール → This store has a big sale today.
- discount – 割引 → I got a 20% discount.
- try on – 試着する → Can I try this on?
- receipt – レシート → Can I have a receipt?
4. よくあるミスと注意点
bill と check の違い
イギリス英語: bill
アメリカ英語: check
例: Could I have the check, please?(アメリカ)
例: Could I have the bill, please?(イギリス)
price と cost の違い
price → 商品の値段
cost → 何かを手に入れるための総費用
例: The price of this book is $10.(値札の価格)
例: The total cost of my trip was $500.(旅行全体の費用)
5. 練習問題(チャレンジ!)
Q1: 適切な単語を選びましょう
1. I ordered a ( ) for dessert.
選択肢: (1) spicy (2) vegetable (3) cake
Q2: 間違いを直しましょう
1. I want to see the check in a British restaurant.
Q3: 適切な単語を選びましょう
1. I bought this bag at a ( ).
選択肢: (1) restaurant (2) supermarket (3) store
6. まとめ
- 食べ物に関する単語(rice, noodles, meat, fish)を覚える
- レストランでの表現(menu, order, bill)を理解する
- 買い物の単語(price, discount, receipt)をマスターする