Lesson 6: 天気・自然・季節に関する単語
1. このレッスンの目的
2. 前回の復習:家族と季節の関係
基本文: I go to the beach.(私は海に行く。)
季節を追加: I go to the beach in summer.(私は夏に海に行く。)
家族を追加: I go to the beach with my family in summer.(私は夏に家族と海に行く。)
3. 天気・自然・季節に関する単語
- sunny – 晴れ → It is sunny today.
- cloudy – 曇り → It will be cloudy tomorrow.
- rainy – 雨 → It was rainy yesterday.
- windy – 風が強い → It is very windy outside.
- snowy – 雪 → It is snowy in winter.
- stormy – 嵐 → The weather is stormy.
- foggy – 霧 → It is foggy in the morning.
- humid – 湿気が多い → Summer in Japan is humid.
- cold – 寒い → It is very cold in winter.
- hot – 暑い → It is hot in summer.
- mountain – 山 → Mount Fuji is the highest mountain in Japan.
- river – 川 → The river is very clean.
- ocean – 海 → The Pacific Ocean is very big.
- lake – 湖 → There is a beautiful lake near my house.
- forest – 森 → There are many animals in the forest.
- flower – 花 → I like cherry blossoms.
- tree – 木 → There are many trees in the park.
- earthquake – 地震 → Japan has many earthquakes.
- spring – 春 → Cherry blossoms bloom in spring.
- summer – 夏 → It is very hot in summer.
- autumn (fall) – 秋 → The leaves turn red in autumn.
- winter – 冬 → It snows a lot in winter.
4. よくあるミスと注意点
weather の使い方
間違い: It is a good weather today.(×)
正しい: The weather is good today.(〇)
season の前置詞
間違い: I go skiing on winter.(×)
正しい: I go skiing in winter.(〇)
5. 練習問題(チャレンジ!)
Q1: 適切な単語を選びましょう
1. The ( ) is very cold in January.
選択肢: (1) summer (2) weather (3) flower
Q2: 間違いを直しましょう
1. I go to the beach on summer.
Q3: 適切な単語を選びましょう
1. The ( ) is very beautiful in spring.
選択肢: (1) ocean (2) flower (3) fog
6. まとめ
- 天気を表す単語(sunny, rainy, snowy)を覚える
- 自然に関する単語(mountain, river, ocean)を理解する
- 四季(spring, summer, autumn, winter)の前には in を使う