
Lesson 5: 家族・友達・人間関係に関する単語

Lesson 5: 家族・友達・人間関係に関する単語

1. このレッスンの目的


2. 前回の復習:移動手段と家族の関係


基本文: I go to Tokyo.(私は東京に行く。)

家族を追加: I go to Tokyo with my family.(私は家族と東京に行く。)

詳細を追加: I go to Tokyo with my family by train.(私は家族と電車で東京に行く。)

3. 家族・友達に関する単語


  • father – 父 → My father likes soccer.
  • mother – 母 → My mother is a teacher.
  • parents – 両親 → I live with my parents.
  • brother – 兄/弟 → I have a younger brother.
  • sister – 姉/妹 → My sister is very kind.
  • grandfather – 祖父 → My grandfather tells great stories.
  • grandmother – 祖母 → My grandmother makes delicious food.
  • uncle – 叔父/伯父 → My uncle works in a hospital.
  • aunt – 叔母/伯母 → My aunt lives in New York.
  • cousin – いとこ → My cousin is the same age as me.


  • friend – 友達 → I have many friends at school.
  • best friend – 親友 → My best friend and I play soccer together.
  • classmate – クラスメート → My classmate helps me with homework.
  • neighbor – 近所の人 → My neighbor has a cute dog.
  • teacher – 先生 → My teacher teaches English very well.
  • boss – 上司 → My boss is very kind.
  • colleague – 同僚 → I work with my colleague at a cafe.

4. よくあるミスと注意点

brother, sister の使い方

間違い: I have a brother and she is very kind.(×)

正しい: I have a sister and she is very kind.(〇)

parents と parent の違い

parents → 両親

parent → 片方の親(父または母)

例: My parents are very nice.(両親)

例: My parent is strict.(父または母のどちらか)

5. 練習問題(チャレンジ!)

Q1: 適切な単語を選びましょう

1. My ( ) is a great cook.

選択肢: (1) brother (2) mother (3) uncle

Q2: 間違いを直しましょう

1. I have one parents.

Q3: 適切な単語を選びましょう

1. My ( ) lives next to my house.

選択肢: (1) neighbor (2) cousin (3) boss

6. まとめ

  • 家族を表す単語(father, mother, parents, cousin)を覚える
  • 友達や人間関係に関する単語(friend, neighbor, colleague)を理解する
  • parents(両親)と parent(父または母)の違いに注意する



