Lesson 10: 健康・病気・体の部位に関する単語
1. このレッスンの目的
2. 前回の復習:スポーツと健康の関係
基本文: I play soccer.(私はサッカーをする。)
詳細を追加: I play soccer to stay healthy.(私は健康のためにサッカーをする。)
友達を追加: I play soccer with my friends to stay healthy.(私は健康のために友達とサッカーをする。)
3. 健康・病気・体の部位に関する単語
- head – 頭 → I have a headache.
- eye – 目 → My eyes hurt.
- ear – 耳 → My ears are sensitive to loud noise.
- nose – 鼻 → My nose is running.
- mouth – 口 → I brush my teeth after eating.
- tooth (teeth) – 歯 → I have a toothache.
- hand – 手 → Wash your hands before eating.
- leg – 脚 → My legs hurt after running.
- stomach – 胃・お腹 → I have a stomachache.
- back – 背中 → My back hurts from sitting too long.
- cold – 風邪 → I caught a cold.
- fever – 熱 → I have a fever.
- cough – 咳 → He has a bad cough.
- sore throat – のどの痛み → I have a sore throat.
- runny nose – 鼻水が出る → I have a runny nose.
- stomachache – 胃痛 → I have a stomachache.
- toothache – 歯の痛み → My toothache is really bad.
- headache – 頭痛 → I have a headache.
- injury – けが → He got a leg injury.
- exercise – 運動 → Exercise is good for your health.
- healthy – 健康な → Eating vegetables is healthy.
- diet – 食事 → A balanced diet is important.
- sleep – 睡眠 → You need enough sleep.
- medicine – 薬 → Take this medicine after meals.
- check-up – 健康診断 → I have a check-up every year.
4. よくあるミスと注意点
hurt と pain の違い
hurt → 「痛む」動詞
pain → 「痛み」名詞
例: My back hurts.(私の背中が痛い。)
例: I have back pain.(私は背中の痛みがある。)
間違い: I have a cold.(△ ※「風邪をひいている状態」)
正しい: I caught a cold.(〇 「風邪をひいた」という表現)
5. 練習問題(チャレンジ!)
Q1: 適切な単語を選びましょう
1. I have a ( ) because I ate too much.
選択肢: (1) headache (2) stomachache (3) fever
Q2: 間違いを直しましょう
1. My stomach pain.
Q3: 適切な単語を選びましょう
1. I take ( ) when I have a cold.
選択肢: (1) sleep (2) medicine (3) exercise
6. まとめ
- 体の部位(head, stomach, leg, back)を覚える
- 病気や症状(cold, fever, headache, cough)を理解する
- 「hurt」と「pain」の違いをマスターする