
英検3級レッスン DAY5 

Lesson 5: Daily Routine & Time Management (日常生活と時間管理)

Goal: Learn how to describe daily activities and manage time effectively. Includes a comprehensive review of previous lessons. (目標:日常生活の活動を説明し、時間を効果的に管理する方法を学ぶ。以前のレッスンの包括的な復習を含む)

Key Vocabulary (重要語彙)

  • wake up – 起きる
  • get dressed – 服を着る
  • breakfast – 朝食
  • lunch – 昼食
  • dinner – 夕食
  • homework – 宿題
  • go to bed – 寝る
  • schedule – スケジュール
  • on time – 時間通りに
  • late – 遅れる

Key Phrases & Idioms (重要なフレーズと慣用句)

  • “What time do you wake up?” – 「何時に起きますか?」
  • “I usually wake up at 7 AM.” – 「私は通常7時に起きます。」
  • “Don’t be late for school.” – 「学校に遅れないように。」
  • “I have a busy schedule today.” – 「今日は忙しいスケジュールです。」

Example Sentences (例文)

1. I have breakfast at 7:30 AM every day. (私は毎朝7時半に朝食を取ります。)

2. My sister usually goes to bed at 10 PM. (私の妹は普段10時に寝ます。)

3. He is always on time for his classes. (彼はいつも授業に時間通りに来ます。)

Practice Activities (練習活動)

Activity 1: Fill in the blanks (空欄補充)

  1. She ______ at 6:30 AM every day. (彼女は毎日6時半に起きます。)
  2. Don’t be______ for the meeting! (会議に遅れないで!)

Activity 2: Matching Exercise (マッチング練習)

Match the phrases to their meanings: (フレーズを意味と一致させましょう)

  • wake up – 起きる
  • on time – 時間通りに
  • schedule – スケジュール

Review of Lessons 1-4 (レッスン1~4の復習)

Let’s review key points and vocabulary from previous lessons:

  • Lesson 1: Self-introduction phrases like “I’m from…” and “Nice to meet you.”
  • Lesson 2: Family-related vocabulary and questions such as “How many siblings do you have?”
  • Lesson 3: Shopping and restaurant phrases like “How much is this?” and “I’d like to order…”
  • Lesson 4: Direction phrases like “Turn left at the intersection” and “It’s near the station.”

Speaking Practice (スピーキング練習)

Practice these dialogues: (以下の会話を練習しましょう)

  • Person A: What time do you usually get up? (あなたは普段何時に起きますか?)
  • Person B: I usually wake up at 6:30 AM. (私は普段6時半に起きます。

Vocabulary Review (語彙の復習)

Review all the key vocabulary from this lesson: (このレッスンの重要語彙を復習しましょう)

  1. wake up – 起きる
  2. get dressed – 服を着る
  3. breakfast – 朝食
  4. lunch – 昼食
  5. dinner – 夕食
  6. homework – 宿題
  7. go to bed – 寝る
  8. schedule – スケジュール
  9. on time – 時間通りに
  10. late – 遅れる

