Hobbies and Recreation
Hobbies and Recreation are activities that we do for fun and enjoyment. This could include sports, drawing, or playing a musical instrument. Everyone has different hobbies. Hobbies can help us relax and make life more interesting.
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Hobbies and Recreation
Hobbies and Recreation are activities that we do for fun and enjoyment. This could include sports, drawing, or playing a musical instrument. Everyone has different hobbies. Hobbies can help us relax and make life more interesting.
lesson2 :重要単語の確認をしよう!
- hobbies : 趣味
- activities : 活動
- fun : 楽しみ
- enjoyment : 喜び
- sports : スポーツ
- drawing : ドローイング、絵を描くこと
- musical instrument : 楽器
- life : 生活
- do : する
- include : 含む
- play : 演奏する
- help : 助ける
- relax : リラックスする
- make : 作る
- different : 異なる
- more interesting : より興味深い
- do for fun and enjoyment : 楽しみと喜びのために行う
- has different hobbies : 異なる趣味を持っている
- help us relax : 私たちがリラックスするのを助ける
- make life more interesting : 生活をより興味深くする
lesson3 : 英語と日本語訳を確認しよう!
Hobbies and Recreation
Hobbies and Recreation are activities that we do for fun and enjoyment. This could include sports, drawing, or playing a musical instrument. Everyone has different hobbies. Hobbies can help us relax and make life more interesting.
lesson4: 精読をして英文の構成や意味を理解しよう!

①Hobbies and Recreation are activities that we do for fun and enjoyment.

②This could include sports, drawing, or playing a musical instrument.

③ Everyone has different hobbies.

④Hobbies can help us relax and make life more interesting.

lesson5: 英文や日本語訳を見ながらリスニングしてみよう!
Hobbies and Recreation
Hobbies and Recreation are activities that we do for fun and enjoyment. This could include sports, drawing, or playing a musical instrument. Everyone has different hobbies. Hobbies can help us relax and make life more interesting.
lesson6 : 英文や日本語訳を見ながらシャドーイングをしよう!
Hobbies and Recreation
Hobbies and Recreation are activities that we do for fun and enjoyment. This could include sports, drawing, or playing a musical instrument. Everyone has different hobbies. Hobbies can help us relax and make life more interesting.
lesson7 : 英文を見ないでシャドーイングをしよう!
lesson8 : 今日の上達の記録を取ろう!!
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Hobbies and Recreation
Hobbies and Recreation are activities that we do for fun and enjoyment. This could include sports, drawing, or playing a musical instrument. Everyone has different hobbies. Hobbies can help us relax and make life more interesting.
Family is a group of people related to each other by blood, marriage, or adoption. Family members can include parents, siblings, and grandparents. We often live with our family when we are young. It’s important to respect and love each other in a family.
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Family is a group of people related to each other by blood, marriage, or adoption. Family members can include parents, siblings, and grandparents. We often live with our family when we are young. It’s important to respect and love each other in a family.