School Play
Mika was the lead actress in her school play. She practiced her lines and her acting every day for weeks. On the day of the play, Mika performed beautifully and received a standing ovation from the audience. Her parents were proud of her and took her out for ice cream after the play to celebrate.
lesson1 : 最初に音声の記録を取ろう!
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School Play
Mika was the lead actress in her school play. She practiced her lines and her acting every day for weeks. On the day of the play, Mika performed beautifully and received a standing ovation from the audience. Her parents were proud of her and took her out for ice cream after the play to celebrate.
lesson2 :重要単語の確認をしよう!
- lead actress: 主演女優
- school play: 学校の演劇
- lines: 台詞
- acting: 演技
- weeks: 数週間
- standing ovation: スタンディングオベーション
- audience: 観客
- parents: 親
- ice cream: アイスクリーム
- celebration: 祝賀
動詞 :
- practice (practiced): 練習する (練習した)
- perform (performed): 演じる (演じた)
- receive (received): 受け取る (受け取った)
- take out (took out): 取り出す (取り出した)
- celebrate (celebrated): 祝う (祝った)
- be proud of: 誇りに思う
- beautiful: 美しい
- performed beautifully: 素晴らしい演技をした
- received a standing ovation: スタンディングオベーションを受けた
- parents were proud of her: 両親は彼女を誇りに思った
lesson3 : 英語と日本語訳を確認しよう!
School Play
Mika was the lead actress in her school play. She practiced her lines and her acting every day for weeks. On the day of the play, Mika performed beautifully and received a standing ovation from the audience. Her parents were proud of her and took her out for ice cream after the play to celebrate.
lesson4 : 精読をして英文の構成や意味を理解しよう!

①Mika was the lead actress in her school play.

②She practiced her lines and her acting every day for weeks.

③On the day of the play, Mika performed beautifully and received a standing ovation from the audience.

④Her parents were proud of her.

⑤they took her out for ice cream after the play to celebrate.

lesson5 : 英文や日本文を見ながらリスニングしてみよう!
School Play
Mika was the lead actress in her school play. She practiced her lines and her acting every day for weeks. On the day of the play, Mika performed beautifully and received a standing ovation from the audience. Her parents were proud of her and took her out for ice cream after the play to celebrate.
lesson6 : 英文や日本文を見ながらシャドーイングをしよう!
School Play
Mika was the lead actress in her school play. She practiced her lines and her acting every day for weeks. On the day of the play, Mika performed beautifully and received a standing ovation from the audience. Her parents were proud of her and took her out for ice cream after the play to celebrate.
lesson7 : 英文を見ないでシャドーイングをしよう!
lesson8 : 今日の上達の記録を取ろう!!
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School Play
Mika was the lead actress in her school play. She practiced her lines and her acting every day for weeks. On the day of the play, Mika performed beautifully and received a standing ovation from the audience. Her parents were proud of her and took her out for ice cream after the play to celebrate.
Snowy day
It was a snowy day, and Yuto and his friends decided to have a snowball fight. They built a snowman and made snow angels. After playing outside, they went inside and drank hot cocoa. Yuto had fun playing in the snow with his friends.
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Snowy day
It was a snowy day, and Yuto and his friends decided to have a snowball fight. They built a snowman and made snow angels. After playing outside, they went inside and drank hot cocoa. Yuto had fun playing in the snow with his friends.