
【センテンス⑧】Snowly Day

Snowly Day

It was a snowy day, and Yuto and his friends decided to have a snowball fight. They built a snowman and made snow angels. After playing outside, they went inside and drank hot cocoa. Yuto had fun playing in the snow with his friends. 

lesson1 :今日の録音の記録を取ろう

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Snowly Day

It was a snowy day, and Yuto and his friends decided to have a snowball fight. They built a snowman and made snow angels. After playing outside, they went inside and drank hot cocoa. Yuto had fun playing in the snow with his friends.

lesson2 :重要単語の確認をしよう!


  • snowy day:雪の日
  • snowball fight:雪合戦
  • snowman:雪だるま
  • snow angels:雪の天使
  • hot cocoa:ホットココア
  • fun:楽しさ

動詞 :    

  • have (had): 持つ (持っていた), 行う (行った)
  • build (built): 建てる (建てた), 作る (作った)
  • make (made): 作る (作った)
  • play (played): 遊ぶ (遊んだ)
  • go inside (went inside): 中に入る (中に入った)
  • drink (drank): 飲む (飲んだ)
  • have fun (had fun): 楽しむ (楽しんだ)


  • snowy:雪の


  • have a snowball fight:雪合戦をする
  • build a snowman:雪だるまを作る
  • make snow angels:雪の天使を作る
  • play outside:外で遊ぶ
  • go inside and drink hot cocoa:中に入ってホットココアを飲む
  • have fun playing in the snow with his friends:友達と一緒に雪で遊んで楽しむ


lesson3 : 英語と日本語訳を確認しよう!


Snowly Day

It was a snowy day, and Yuto and his friends decided to have a snowball fight. They built a snowman and made snow angels. After playing outside, they went inside and drank hot cocoa. Yuto had fun playing in the snow with his friends.




lesson4: 精読をして英文の構成や意味を理解しよう!

It was a snowy day.


Yuto and his friends decided to have a snowball fight.


They built a snowman and made snow angels.

After playing outside, they went inside and drank hot cocoa.


lesson5 : 英文や日本文を見ながらリスニングしてみよう!

Snowly Day

It was a snowy day, and Yuto and his friends decided to have a snowball fight. They built a snowman and made snow angels. After playing outside, they went inside and drank hot cocoa. Yuto had fun playing in the snow with his friends. 

lesson6 : 英文や日本語を見ながらシャドーイングをしよう!

Snowly Day

It was a snowy day, and Yuto and his friends decided to have a snowball fight. They built a snowman and made snow angels. After playing outside, they went inside and drank hot cocoa. Yuto had fun playing in the snow with his friends. 


lesson7 : 何も見ないでシャドーイングをしよう!


lesson8 : 今日の上達の記録を取ろう!

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Snowly Day

It was a snowy day, and Yuto and his friends decided to have a snowball fight. They built a snowman and made snow angels. After playing outside, they went inside and drank hot cocoa. Yuto had fun playing in the snow with his friends. 


Pet show

Tomoko participated in a pet show with her dog. She trained her dog to do tricks and they practiced every day. On the day of the show, Tomoko’s dog did all the tricks perfectly and won first place. Tomokwas proud of her dog and happy to have participated in the show. 



Pet sho

Tomoko participated in a pet show with her dog. She trained her dog to do tricks and they practiced every day. On the day of the show, Tomoko’s dog did all the tricks perfectly and won first place. Tomokwas proud of her dog and happy to have participated in the show. 

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