
【センテンス④】Soccer game

Soccer game

The soccer game was intense. Yusuke was the star player of his team and scored the winning goal in the last minute of the game. His team won and the crowd cheered. Yusuke was proud of his performance and happy to have helped his team win.

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lesson1 :重要単語の確認をしよう!


  • star player:主力選手
  • team:チーム
  • winning goal:勝ち越しゴール
  • minute:分
  • game:試合
  • crowd:観客
  • performance:パフォーマンス

動詞 :    

  • score (scored): 得点する (得点した)
  • win (won): 勝つ (勝った)
  • cheer (cheered): 応援する (応援した)
  • help (helped): 助ける (助けた)


  • intense:激しい
  • proud:誇りに思う
  • winning:勝ち越しの


  • the star player:主力選手
  • last minute:最後の一分
  • win:勝つ
  • cheer:声援を送る
  • be proud of:誇りに思う
  • help win:勝つのを手伝う


lesson :2 英語と日本語訳を確認しよう!


Soccer game

The soccer game was intense. Yusuke was the star player of his team and scored the winning goal in the last minute of the game. His team won and the crowd cheered. Yusuke was proud of his performance and happy to have helped his team win.



lesson:3 精読をして英文の構成や意味を理解しよう!

①The soccer game was intense.


②Yusuke was the star player of his team.

③He scored the winning goal in the last minute of the game.

His team won and the crowd cheered. 

Yusuke was proud of his performance and happy to have helped his team win.


lesson:4 英文を見ながらリスニングしてみよう!

Soccer game

The soccer game was intense. Yusuke was the star player of his team and scored the winning goal in the last minute of the game. His team won and the crowd cheered. Yusuke was proud of his performance and happy to have helped his team win.

lesson:5  英文を見ながらシャドーイングをしよう!

Soccer game

The soccer game was intense. Yusuke was the star player of his team and scored the winning goal in the last minute of the game. His team won and the crowd cheered. Yusuke was proud of his performance and happy to have helped his team win.


lesson:6 何も見ないでシャドーイングをしよう!


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Soccer game

The soccer game was intense. Yusuke was the star player of his team and scored the winning goal in the last minute of the game. His team won and the crowd cheered. Yusuke was proud of his performance and happy to have helped his team win.


School Trip

Yusuke’s school went on a trip to Kyoto. They visited temples and shrines, and tried traditional Kyoto cuisine. Yusuke bought a souvenir for his family and took many pictures. He had a great time learning about Kyoto’s history and culture.


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School Trip

Yusuke’s school went on a trip to Kyoto. They visited temples and shrines, and tried traditional Kyoto cuisine. Yusuke bought a souvenir for his family and took many pictures. He had a great time learning about Kyoto’s history and culture.


