lesson1 -最初に音読の録音を取ろう
School Trip
Yusuke’s school went on a trip to Kyoto. They visited temples and shrines, and tried traditional Kyoto cuisine. Yusuke bought a souvenir for his family and took many pictures. He had a great time learning about Kyoto’s history and culture.
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School Trip
Yusuke’s school went on a trip to Kyoto. They visited temples and shrines, and tried traditional Kyoto cuisine. Yusuke bought a souvenir for his family and took many pictures. He had a great time learning about Kyoto’s history and culture.
lesson2 :重要単語の確認をしよう!
- School trip: 修学旅行
- Kyoto: 京都
- Temples: 寺院
- Shrines: 神社
- Cuisine: 料理
- Souvenir: お土産
- Family: 家族
- Pictures: 写真
- Time: 時間
- Learning: 学び
- History: 歴史
- Culture: 文化
動詞 :
- buy (bought): 買う (買った)
- take (took): 取る (取った), 写真を撮る (写真を撮った)
形容詞 :
- Traditional: 伝統的な
- Great: 素晴らしい
lesson3 : 英語と日本語訳を確認しよう!
School Trip
Yusuke’s school went on a trip to Kyoto. They visited temples and shrines, and tried traditional Kyoto cuisine. Yusuke bought a souvenir for his family and took many pictures. He had a great time learning about Kyoto’s history and culture.
【本文訳】 ゆうすけの学校は京都に修学旅行に行きました。彼らは寺院や神社を訪れ、京都の伝統料理を試しました。ゆうすけは家族のためにお土産を買って、たくさんの写真を撮りました。彼は京都の歴史や文化について学び、素晴らしい時間を過ごしました。
lesson4 : 精読をして英文の構成や意味を理解しよう!

①Yusuke’s school went on a trip to Kyoto.

②They visited temples and shrines, and tried traditional Kyoto cuisine.

③Yusuke bought a souvenir for his family and took many pictures.

④He had a great time learning about Kyoto’s history and culture.

lesson5 : 英文や日本文を見ながらリスニングしてみよう!
School Trip
Yusuke’s school went on a trip to Kyoto. They visited temples and shrines, and tried traditional Kyoto cuisine. Yusuke bought a souvenir for his family and took many pictures. He had a great time learning about Kyoto’s history and culture.
lesson6 : 日本文を見ながらリスニング&シャドーイングをしよう!
lesson7 : 何も見ないでシャドーイングをしよう!
lesson8 : 今日の上達の記録を取ろう!!
School Trip
Yusuke’s school went on a trip to Kyoto. They visited temples and shrines, and tried traditional Kyoto cuisine. Yusuke bought a souvenir for his family and took many pictures. He had a great time learning about Kyoto’s history and culture.
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First day of School
Today was the first day of school for Ayumi. She was nervous and excited at the same time. Ayumi made a new friend named Emi, and they ate lunch together. After school, Ayumi couldn’t wait to go back to see her new friend again.